by guest blogger David Sohn from Copyright & Creativity
Want to teach your students about copyright and fair use? A nonprofit project called Copyright and Creativity has created a full suite of K-12 of free lesson plans, slides, and videos designed to make it easy. There’s a self-paced online professional development course too, since teachers often feel they need a little more background before they tackle this topic with students. And there’s some timely information about copyright and distance learning.
Why teach these subjects? Because students today are creators and publishers. They may not realize it, but copyright and fair use are directly relevant to online activities they engage in virtually every day. That's especially true during the current pandemic, when virtually all academic and social activity has moved online. But how many students understand when it is ok to reuse or share some or all of someone else’s work? Or how they should expect others to treat their own creative work? If students aren't taught about this, they'll be missing an essential element of digital literacy.
C&C approaches the subject from a practical and positive perspective -- how to navigate copyright successfully -- rather than just talking about what copyright prohibits. And it’s all readily usable for distance learning. Please check out the resources, send feedback to info@copyrightandcreativity. org, and help spread the word!